The mission of “Living Agriculture” is to restore agricultural landscapes by supporting and mimicking the natural processes, which enhance soil fertility and therefore produce nutritious food whilst maintaining profitable farming enterprises.

We place special emphasis on the critical role of a diverse biology as the real engineers in ecosystems, and how we can work symbiotically with microorganisms to drive all metabolic processes toward a self-regenerating pattern, working with nature rather than against it.

Living Agriculture” offers a beautiful, simple and easy to understand explanation and practices, with a scientific background, of the importance of regenerating biological and mineral diversity in agricultural soils; it also explains how this enables a viable production of healthy food that is both affordable for consumers and profitable for farmers.
These methods allow farmers to disengage from a constant dependence on external inputs from the industry, by learning and understanding how to think rather than just ‘do’.



A new brand of modern agriculture using an organic approach as its guiding principle is gaining traction both on the ground and in academic circles. There are processes which are innate in living systems, such as the reciprocal affect between species, the co-evolution; and currently most farming practices have a negative impact on it, then the state of self-regulation in ecosystems is affected.

The reductionist mind-set that has been adopted since the green revolution is having repercussions on the economy and on the degradation of land globally, due to the over-use and contamination of natural resources, which are finite. The exponential degradation of agricultural soils and the negative effect on the quality of food that we consume is a fact. This approach to farming creates a number of irreversible human health disorders, such as a lack of mineral in our food leading to illness, and obesity due to the consumption of processed foods. This means that the conventional approach to agriculture is no longer a viable option; we must re-structure and shift our thinking about the way we farm. This can allow us to be open-minded and creative, arguing for renewed farming methods on a global scale.



Juanfran Lopez is passionate about working with different regenerative techniques and tools, using locally available resources to create low cost sustainable solutions for farmers on any scale.

He trained as an Agronomist at University in Spain. Since finishing his studies, he has been travelling around the globe to learn different approaches to land management, mainly through hands-on experience.

In the United Kingdom, Juanfran studied Permaculture and was mentored by Patrick Whitefield. Having obtained the Permaculture Diploma from the UK Permaculture Association, he took on a role as teacher and researcher on several projects at Ragman’s Lane farm, an experience that lasted for seven years.

This period working with living systems increased his experience, leading to a deeper understanding.


mision juanfran lopez



It was during this time that he studied with Jairo Restrepo, one of the leading teachers in the field of microbiology and crop nutrition, having taught alongside him in South America, Africa and Europe.

He has been introduced to the work of Allan Savory in Zimbabwe, the pioneer of Holistic Management Plan Grazing, and Darren Doherty and his Regenerative Agriculture Holistic planning for design-profitable farms.

Over the last few years Juanfran Lopez has been working with smallholder farmers, sometimes in remote communities, and at other times with larger scale farmers and estates all over the world, bringing organic agriculture to farms, universities and government bodies in different cultures, climates and soils.

Juanfran also has extensive experience of implementing these practices on different scales through his consultation work. He currently teaches his own courses covering more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, and also works as an adviser on a number of research projects for international foundations and Universities.


Juanfran Lopez has travelled through Africa, South America, Europe and parts of Asia teaching and learning from practitioners on the ground. He has combined this with seven years of research into the biological health of ecosystems. Collaborating with academics from several universities, he has developed a unique perspective on building soil health and plant vitality, that places the farmer and grower at the heart of his enquiry.





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